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Composition: Chamber

Greetings to the new website! The biggest reason I haven’t posted in two months is because of preparing this new site. And here it is! Besides having the shop for my music and revising a number of works (and I am still revising), it is a pleasure to have something that closer resembles my vision than what the previous site had.

To that point, I present a new work, something I wrote as a complimentary work to a piece I  arranged: Carlotta Ferrari’s Toccata sopra Crux FidelisWhere the Toccata began the Good Friday service, Scrutari ended it (please note that the video for the Toccata says Palm Sunday, that is incorrect). In between there were many passion themed hymns. Behind the scenes though, we recorded this on Saturday before the Easter Vigil to get something better. We had just enough time to get one solid performance.

And while the recording is not perfect, it captures the aesthetic I was trying to achieve for a Good Friday meditation service. I hope that one day, I will be able to record it again in less time crunched circumstances. That and perhaps write more music for this instrumentation.