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Composition: Organ

It feels like an eternity since I’ve posted and it has been quite a while. It’s not surprising because I started a new job this fall teaching full-time. But it is also because I was unsatisfied with the final two Miniatures. As these particular compositions are somewhat fluid from movement to movement, I wanted the last two to be solid postludes. This Miniature XV, is another carillon piece similar to Miniature VIII. Honestly, I did not set out to write another carillon, it just turned into one as the piece developed.

Here is where the trouble began. One of the criteria I have had with these miniatures is to keep the number of pages to a minimum, but that has gotten in the way particularly in this piece. I tried to keep Miniature XV to one page but that final coda section really needed to be longer. And not just longer, it needs a canon! Oh, now it needs that flat VI chord! And it needs to modulate to minor! And! And! Unlike many of the other Miniatures, this went through quite a few edits before I was satisfied and I am satisfied. Download Miniature XV here at IMSLP!